Tips From Dr. Ashish Jain ( Dentist in Ashok Vihar ) We Are Sure You Did Not Know

1. Strive for a healthy smile and not a perfect smile

According to the best Dentist in Ashok Vihar, healthy smiles are naturally more beautiful. Each one of us has a different and unique smile, and there is no set standard that makes one smile more beautiful than another. A healthy set of teeth will last much longer, giving you a lasting smile and keep you beautiful for long.
A dentist does not tell you anything about what is more beautiful; a dentist will always, however, help you get a healthy smile throughout your life.

2. Home is where the best dental treatment is

It may be surprising coming from a dentist, but dentists would like to see you in only every six months or so, and that too for a regular checkup and cleaning. Even the best Dentist in Ashok Vihar assured us that while they love all their patients equally, they would prefer people to have a healthy mouth, and not need to visit a dentist more frequently than that.  Dental hygiene and a disciplined dental care routine which means brushing twice daily for at least 2 minutes per cleaning, eating healthy and nutritious foods, and including salads and roots into your daily diet, can prevent a surprisingly large number of dental complications, including cavities and dental decay as well.

3. Cosmetics are not a necessity

A perfect set of pearly white teeth is obviously quite attractive. There is a range of teeth whitening products in the market, and more and more people are using them every day. As much as possible, try to avoid these. And if you are convinced that you do need more whitening of your teeth visiting a dentist is always the best option.

4. Dentists do care about your dental health

Dentists poke at your gums, tap on your teeth, and make you chew on things, but all of that because they want you to have healthy teeth. They may even ask embarrassing questions such as do you smoke, or drink, etc. It is definitely not because they are making fun of you, it is solely because they care for your teeth.
Gums are literally the foundation for healthy teeth, and dental hygiene is the best prevention for any diseases related to the oral health problems. Dentists would always advise you to take care of your oral health, rather than visit them for it.

5. Proper alignment and not perfectly straight necessarily!

Given that dentists get a lot of request for straightening and other related procedures, it may be surprising that we are saying this. Orthodontic treatment is best avoided until you have problems related to chewing and biting, and if you have an overbite, or frequent accidental bites of lips, and cheek. But do not worry, if you still want a perfect smile to enhance your beauty and have issues such as crowding of teeth of or irregular spacing, or clenching and grinding or protruding, etc. a good dentist in Ashok Vihar can come to your help.

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