Bypassing Seperated Instruments in Root Canal Treatment in Ashok Vihar

The primary objectives of root canal treatment are proper  cleaning,shaping and 3-d fluid tight sealing of the root canal systems.
These objectives will be made impossible if an instrument gets seperated in the canal.The success of root canal treatment declines markedly
Endodontics has developed over time with the introduction of CBCT in diagnosis, dental operating microscope, ultrasonics, surgical loupes etc. Even though root canal treatment is being done under much developed conditions, mishaps like instrument separation are inevitable. 
 An alternative technique that does not require direct visibility to the fragment is “bypass”, where a fine file is inserted between the fragment and root canal wall and thereby negotiating the canal to full working length and enable thorough instrumentation and obturation with the fragment remaining in situ. Incorporating the fragment in the root canal obturation material considerably improves the case prognosis


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