
Showing posts from March, 2019

The best cosmetic dentistry in Ashok Vihar guaranteed

The evolution in the field of dentistry: In the days gone by dentists and the field of dentistry were always considered to be a functional aspect of one’s health. Because you only visit the dentist when you have a tooth ache or a broken tooth, in order to get it fixed. There was never any other reason for you to visit the dentist. But times are changing and of late more and more people are visiting a  dentist in Ashok Vihar  for cosmetic purposes. The role that a dentist plays in altering an individual’s smile and thus the whole appearance of their face is overwhelming. Because with the advancement of technology, the field of dentistry has adapted so many new techniques involved with altering the entire framework of a person’s oral cavity, to bring about dramatic changes. Continue to read below in to understand more about  cosmetic dentistry  and what we have on offer in terms of  Cosmetic dentistry in Ashok Vihar . What is cosmetic dentistry? There a ...

Your solution to dental implants in Ashok Vihar

Fixing up missing teeth for the perfect smile: On most occasions when people have a problem, the basic instinct is to find a solution to the problem in such a way that it can be fixed once and for all, without having the need to go back to it again and again. Although on most occasions it is near to impossible to find a permanent solution to problems, while you are getting it fixed, if you at least have the satisfaction of thinking that it’s the job done once and for all, most people will be happy about, rather than getting it done while you know that you will have to come back and get if fixed again anyway in a matter of few years. And even when it comes to matters of oral health and the appearance of your teeth, people would always prefer to get a permanent solution to the problem rather than a temporary one, and this is what we provide you with as a  dentist in Ashok Vihar . When they desire a perfect smile, they are looking for solutions which will give them lasting perfe...

Best dental clinic in Ashok Vihar for dental implants

What are dental implants? These are a revolutionary invention when it comes to replacement if teeth and we offer these services as a  dental clinic in Ashok Vihar . Because in the days gone by, drenches used to be the only solution for replacement of teeth, and people were unable to enjoy number of food because their drenched did not allow them the strength and range of movement needed to chew them. Dental implants use metal frames and rods which are surgically placed into your jaw bone, and then your dentist is able to mount artificial teeth on them. This provides you with teeth which are no different to your original teeth both in appearance and strength. And they are absolutely hassle free, because once they have been put in place, there is no need to keep removing them and cleaning them, like you have to in the case of drenches. The services we offer: We are considered one of the best  dental clinic in Ashok Vihar  for  dental implants in Ashok Vihar...

Dental Precision Clinic – The Most Trusted Source of Professional Cosmetic Dentistry in Ashok Vihar

Dental Precision Clinic is a reputable dental clinic specializing in  cosmetic dentistry in Ashok Vihar . The clinic boasts its dedicated and trusted team of dental surgeons; Dr. Parul Jain, a dental surgeon and Dr. Ashish Jain, an endodontist. Dental Precision Clinic  is the most trusted source of professional  Cosmetic Dentistry in Ashok Vihar , and for those looking for the service of an orthodontist, the clinic takes pride in having the  best orthodontist in Ashok Vihar  ready to serve clients and fulfill their dental needs. The entire team of Dental Precision Clinic focuses on premium quality precision dentistry with guaranteed treatment results at the most reasonable price. Dental Precision Clinic believes that every individual deserves the best smile that he or she can flaunt. It is for this reason that  Dental Precision Clinic  is striving really hard to give their patients the best possible smile that they can be proud of. They proud...

Bypassing Seperated Instruments in Root Canal Treatment in Ashok Vihar

The primary objectives of root canal treatment are proper  cleaning,shaping and 3-d fluid tight sealing of the root canal systems. These objectives will be made impossible if an instrument gets seperated in the canal.The success of root canal treatment declines markedly Endodontics   has developed over time with the introduction of CBCT in diagnosis, dental operating microscope, ultrasonics, surgical loupes etc. Even though  root canal treatment  is being done under much developed conditions, mishaps like instrument separation are inevitable.   An alternative technique that does not require direct visibility to the fragment is “bypass”, where a fine file is inserted between the fragment and root canal wall and thereby negotiating the canal to full working length and enable thorough instrumentation and obturation with the fragment remaining in situ. Incorporating the fragment in the root canal obturation material considerably improves the case prog...