
Showing posts from February, 2019

Why Go For Dental Implants In Ashok Vihar (Dental Precision Clinic )?

When you start losing your teeth, chances are that you will be facing functional and/or aesthetic problems as also gradual degeneration of the mandible or jawbone. This if left untreated, could create some very serious health issues later on. Dental Precision Clinic Is Here To Help Don’t worry.   Dental Precision Clinic   is at your service and totally committed to restoring lost teeth. We have a proven success record with our dental implants because of their natural appearance and lasting quality. Our team of highly experienced and qualified dentists will assess your oral condition and recommend the appropriate   dental implants , if required. How Do Dental Implants Work? A   dental implant   is essentially an artificial tooth root made of titanium, which is inserted surgically into the mandible or jawbone to firmly hold a bridge, over denture or replacement crown. A   dental implant   has three main components: the implant permanently attac...

Gums problem

Gum disease   is characterized by gum inflammation called as Gingivitis that can threaten your teeth, and which if not treated can lead to gum disease called periodontitis and other complications. Most of the adults all over the world have some form of gum disease. What are the symptoms of Gum disease? Initially during gum inflammation or gingivitis, the bacterial infection builds up a plaque, causing the gums to become inflamed. This can cause gums to bleed easily, bad breathe, bad taste, sensitivity of tooth, redness, irritation of the gum, pain, bleeding of the gums. In later stages it can lead to gum recession where the gum shrinks and looks old giving an Older look to the teeth. What are the causes of Gum disease? There are various factors that can pre-dispose to Gum problems like gingivitis or periodontitis. Some of the causes include inability to maintain a good oral hygiene which can lead to plaque build-up around the tooth and gum line. Apart from these some othe...

Does A Missing Tooth Need To Be Replaced?

It’s common practice to ignore a missing tooth that’s not visible to others as you smile or speak and one often deliberately ignores replacing it. Initially though the empty space may feel a little uncomfortable but you do get used to it. The flip side of the coin, however, is that a missing tooth can lead to some serious mental and physical consequences. Moreover, the process of replacement is not as complicated or expensive as you think and is certain to pay off positively in the future. What Physical Consequences Could You Face for Ignoring a Missing Tooth? Not getting a missing tooth repaired has the following physical consequences: As time passes, the missing tooth’s neighboring teeth start shifting to fill in the existing gap. This inevitably leads to malocclusion, a condition where the teeth alignment goes haywire ultimately. Malocclusion leads to grave problems like crossbite or overbite that strains the jaw excessively, leads to difficulty in chewing and also increase...